So space research institutes feel the need to send telescopes to space beyond Earth
Last year, the James Webb Space Telescope was sent into space on December 25, 2021. It is the most powerful telescope inside the Earth so far, the James Webb Space Telescope was launched into space to find out and observe what matter is in the universe. The telescope took more than 30 years to build and cost over $1 trillion. The James Webb Space Telescope has been able to take pictures of 13.5 billion years ago, so this device is called a time machine. Today on our website the James Webb Space Telescope will be discussed.
Scientist Galileo was the first to use a telescope and changed people's understanding of the universe.
Then for more than 400 years, scientists and astronomers tried to get a clear understanding of space. But due to various limitations of telescopes installed on Earth, they could not provide enough information.
So space research institutes feel the need to send telescopes to space beyond Earth
The first telescope launched into space was the Hubble Space Telescope on April 24, 1990. Ever since this telescope began working in space, the study and history of astronomers has completely changed.
The James Webb Space Telescope is modeled after the Hubble telescope and is thousands of times more powerful than the Hubble telescope. The James Webb Space Telescope is named after NASA's second director, James Yebb, who led the Apollo missions that landed humans on the moon.
The highly sensitive James Webb Space Telescope has been built as a joint effort of European, American and Canadian space research.
In addition, more than 300 hundred university organizations and companies from 14 countries have directly participated in the implementation of this project